Chocorua Lake XC Ski

The set of trails at the base of Mount Chocorua and to the northwest of Lake Chocorua make for a nice jaunt in the woods. If you are in the area and are not one to take on the mountain these trails are a nice easy alternative where nature can still be enjoyed. With fresh snow, this are also makes for great back country cross coutnry skiing.

My partner and I decided to spend a weekend away together as Christmas gifts to one another and stayed in this cute rental near Chocorua Lake in Tamsworth, NH. I always wake up hours before my partner and decided to make the most of this time by searching for the sunrise. It had just snowed about a foot two days before and I had my cross country skis. After scouring the web for maps of the area I found that there is a trail that leads to the northwest shore of Chocorua Lake that would provide the perfect spot to see the sun come up over the water.

(This hand drawn map, was my plan, but after there was no parking on Bolles road my plans changed. My actual hike is better represented by my alltrails map.

In preparation I knew my phone would not hold up to the current 1℉ temperature so I drew a map of the trails to guide myself based on the one linked under the resources on this page. I was now on a race against nature to reach the shoreline before the sun did. My plan was to start at the end of Bolles Road, but when I got there the small parking area had not been plowed and my Mazda 3 has no business in a foot of snow. I almost gave up, but turned right up Chocorua Lake Road up until its winter terminus and spotted a place to park and an entrance to trails through a gate.

I strapped up my skis and made fresh tracks. Although I was never too far from the road, this immediately felt like an adventure. I followed the trail signs and eventually found a trail leading toward the lake shore. A couple times I lost the trail below all the snow. Eventually I made it to the shore. I was probably twenty minutes late but enjoyed the tranquility of the lake and withstood the bright sun reflected off the frozen over, snow covered lake.

I didn’t linger since I was not dressed to be stationary in this cold. I continued skiing with the hopes of reaching Bickford Heights and possibly another vista. When I turned onto Middle Trail I began following someone else's tracks. A short bit after starting the climb up Bickford Heights I came across an intersection for a XC ski trail cutoff and decided to take it instead of attempting a climb up a narrow trail in my skis. At one point I encountered moose tracks made by a cow and its calf.

I was now making fresh tracks again and enjoyed an open downhill section on which to slide. After a total of 90 minutes, I returned to my car, ready to return to the coziness of the rental home.

(The cover picture above is of Chocorua Lake as I crossed the Narrows Bridge)