North Fork Quinault River

This location makes more sense as part of an extended backpacking hike but can be enjoyed for a flat day hike. The rainforest is beautiful, though it doesn’t stand up to the Hoh Rainforest, I’m not sure what does. This hike had some cool secluded spots along the river and is a nice second tiered hike for those who have already explored the most beautiful parts of Olympic National Park.

I enjoyed this day hike for giving me another flavor of rain forest within Olympic National Park. I hiked about five miles up the North Fork of the Quinault River. I was mostly looking for a place to set up my hammock along the river and read my book. I ended up traveling five miles into the wilderness to find a good place.

Along the way I traversed some of the most interesting hardwood forests. So much was covered in moss and I would encourage anyone looking for spooky forest footage to penetrate this forest. The trail mostly paralleled the river instead of traveling on its shores. There were a couple spots where it did open up to reveal the mountains that lay beyond. One of the coolest spots was when I crossed Wild Rose Creek and a huge log laid across and above the creek. It made for a great spot to chill and be one with the wilderness.

I eventually set up my hammock near the Halfway House backcountry campsite. Here I was able to look out on the river which was not so strong at this point. After reading for a short while I turned back. This hike was my last opportunity to spot elk, which are supposed to be numerous, and I was sadly disappointed as I kept a keen eye out for them. I spent the nite at the primitive, and not super appealing North Fork campground.